Give for Good Louisville 2024

Give for Good Louisville LogoKentuckiana’s largest day of giving on September 12 is quickly approaching and we need you on our team! If you love Exodus and all the good we’re doing in the community, please tell your friends to support us with a small (or large!) gift during Give for Good Louisville.

It’s easy to do… first, let us know you’re interested and we’ll help you set up your own fundraising page on the portal. Then share that link with your friends, co-workers, neighbors, family members, etc. with a quick reason why you’d like their support. We have a number of generous individuals and corporations who will match donations on that day, so your (or your friend’s) gift could quickly be doubled or even tripled! Last year, our team helped us raise more than $11,000.  

Many people say feel awkward asking their friends for money, but we encourage you to think about it in a different way. For example, if you go to eat at a great restaurant, or see an exciting movie, don’t you usually tell your friends about it? You want to share your positive experience with them. That’s what we need you to do for Exodus. Just tell your friends to check us out!

If you’d like to learn more about joining our peer-to-peer team or offering a matching gift, please contact Lynn Huffman at

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